VC v2.0 Interoperability Report
Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0 Interoperability Report

Validity Period

Test Name Implementer Aviary Tech Digital Bazaar Gen Digital Kataru Content VC MakoLab OpSecId Procivis One Core SpruceID Trential VC Issuer Mock
If present, the value of the validFrom property MUST be an [XMLSCHEMA11-2] dateTimeStamp string value representing the date and time the credential becomes valid, which could be a date and time in the future or in the past.
If present, the value of the validUntil property MUST be an [XMLSCHEMA11-2] dateTimeStamp string value representing the date and time the credential ceases to be valid, which could be a date and time in the past or in the future.
If a validUntil value also exists, the validFrom value MUST express a datetime that is temporally the same or earlier than the datetime expressed by the validUntil value.
If a validFrom value also exists, the validUntil value MUST express a datetime that is temporally the same or later than the datetime expressed by the validFrom value.