VC Bitstring Status List Interoperability Report 1.0
Test Interoperability Report for Verifiable Credentials status

Data Model: BitstringStatusList Entry

Test Name Implementer Digital Bazaar Gen Digital Mavennet OpSecId Procivis One Core SpruceID Trential
Any expression of the data model in this section MUST be expressed in a conforming verifiable credential as defined in [VC-DATA-MODEL-2.0].
If present, the id value is expected to be a URL that identifies the status information associated with the verifiable credential. It MUST NOT be the URL for the status list.
The type property MUST be BitstringStatusListEntry.
The purpose of the status entry MUST be a string.
The statusListIndex property MUST be an arbitrary size integer greater than or equal to 0, expressed as a string in base 10.
The statusListCredential property MUST be a URL to a verifiable credential.
When the URL is dereferenced, the resulting verifiable credential MUST have type property that includes the BitstringStatusListCredential value.
If present, statusSize MUST be an integer greater than zero.
If statusSize is provided and is greater than 1, then the property credentialStatus.statusMessage MUST be present.
The number of status messages MUST equal the number of possible values.
If present, the statusMessage property MUST be an array, the length of which MUST equal the number of possible status messages indicated by statusSize.
statusMessage MAY be present if statusSize is 1, and MUST be present if statusSize is greater than 1.
If the statusMessage array is present, each element MUST contain the two properties "status" and "message".
If present, the "statusReference" value MUST be a URL or an array of URLs [URL] which dereference(s) to material related to the status.