VC Bitstring Status List Interoperability Report 1.0
Test Interoperability Report for Verifiable Credentials status

Data Model: BitstringStatusList Credential

Test Name Implementer Digital Bazaar Gen Digital Mavennet OpSecId Procivis One Core SpruceID Trential
When a status list verifiable credential is published, it MUST be a conforming document, as defined in [VC-DATA-MODEL-2.0].
The verifiable credential that contains the status list MUST express a type property that includes the BitstringStatusListCredential value.
The type of the credential subject, which is the status list, MUST be BitstringStatusList.
The value of the purpose property of the status entry, statusPurpose, MUST be one or more strings.
The encodedList property of the credential subject MUST be a Multibase-encoded base64url (with no padding) [RFC4648] representation of the GZIP-compressed [RFC1952] bitstring values for the associated range of verifiable credential status values.
The uncompressed bitstring MUST be at least 16KB in size.