Ed25519Signature 2020 Interoperability Report 1.0
Interoperability Report for Ed25519
Data Integrity (verifier)
Test Name | Verifier | |||||||||||
apicatalog.com | Aviary Tech | Danube Tech | Digital Bazaar | EWF | Gen Digital | LearnCard | Netis | Procivis One Core | SpruceID | Trential | Trinsic | |
When deserializing to RDF, implementations MUST ensure that the base URL is set to null. |
Conforming processors MUST produce errors when non-conforming documents are consumed. |
If either securedDocument is not a map or securedDocument.proof is not a map, an error MUST be raised and SHOULD convey an error type of PARSING_ERROR. |
If one or more of proof.type, proof.verificationMethod, and proof.proofPurpose does not exist, an error MUST be raised and SHOULD convey an error type of PROOF_VERIFICATION_ERROR |
If the "proof.type" field is not the string "Ed25519Signature2020", an error MUST be raised. |
If expectedProofPurpose was given, and it does not match proof.proofPurpose, an error MUST be raised and SHOULD convey an error type of PROOF_VERIFICATION_ERROR. |
The proofValue property MUST be used, as specified in 2.1 Proofs. |
("proof.proofValue") A string value that contains the base-encoded binary data necessary to verify the digital proof using the verificationMethod specified. The contents of the value MUST be expressed with a header and encoding as described in Section 2.4 Multibase of the Controller Documents 1.0 specification. |
Implementations that use JSON-LD processing, such as RDF Dataset Canonicalization [RDF-CANON], MUST throw an error, which SHOULD be DATA_LOSS_DETECTION_ERROR, when data is dropped by a JSON-LD processor, such as when an undefined term is detected in an input document. |
The value of the cryptosuite property MUST be a string that identifies the cryptographic suite. If the processing environment supports subtypes of string, the type of the cryptosuite value MUST be the https://w3id.org/security#cryptosuiteString subtype of string. |